
Lucien's Face

here is the beginning of lucien's face, I try to have interessting control but still keeping as simple as possible.


Mahesh Bisht said...

Gud one:)

Taber said...

Fantastic! Looking great! Thanks also very much for all the free props on Animation Lounge. I'll be uploading some stuff soon because I've just made a bunch of props for a short animation.

Mat and Kale AUBRY said...

thanks for your comments!

Cool Taber, looking forward to see your props! It's seems that Animation Lounge is comming back to life! hope it continues like that!

For lucien, I didn't post that much lattly for 2 reasons.
1 - I try to add some interesting features to the mouth which add some problems to fix.
2 - It's summer time and I enjoy the nice weather :P 7 months of winter, it's long so I need to take some sun!!!
But I will push myself soon to sit and work a bit more on it!

Thanks again for the encouragement!

Clément Piot said...

Very well ! he have de good expresion realistic !
sorry i'm french, my english is bad !!
sinon belle mod !