As promised, Animation Lounge is back!
Come take a look!
Animation Lounge
There is a long time that I didn't post and the reason is that I'm right now busy with Animation Lounge to put it back online which should be really soon.

I didn't want it to disappear so I contacted the last administrator to see it there was a way to have it back online again and so now I'm also an administrator of that Website.

I didn't want it to disappear so I contacted the last administrator to see it there was a way to have it back online again and so now I'm also an administrator of that Website.
Final Render - 11SecondClub - October
Here is the final render that I will post soon for my entry for 11SecondClub October.
It's not perfect and far from it. But I'm happy with it for few reasons and the main one is that I finished it!!! LOL
11SecondClub October - FinalRender from Mathias Aubry on Vimeo.
It's not perfect and far from it. But I'm happy with it for few reasons and the main one is that I finished it!!! LOL
11SecondClub October - FinalRender from Mathias Aubry on Vimeo.
Smoothed 02 - 11SecondClub - October
Here is a preview of the animation close to the end, I think I will try to smooth just a bit more 2 or 3 moves and that will be done! not perfect but at least finished! :P
11SecondClub October - Smoothed 02 from Mathias Aubry on Vimeo
There is few think that I don't like but too late too change it!
Note for me to work on next animation:
- find more poses for fingers/hands.
- Not to be too afraid of static pose!
11SecondClub October - Smoothed 02 from Mathias Aubry on Vimeo
There is few think that I don't like but too late too change it!
Note for me to work on next animation:
- find more poses for fingers/hands.
- Not to be too afraid of static pose!
Smoothed 01 - 11SecondClub - October
here is the animation with the key smoothed and not anymore stepped (blocking) but I didn't work on them yet.
still some work to do... hope I will have time to finish!
I'm also still working on the end, I don't like the move during the "things will change for me!" So I will try to improve that!
11SecondClub October - Curves from Mathias Aubry on Vimeo.
still some work to do... hope I will have time to finish!
I'm also still working on the end, I don't like the move during the "things will change for me!" So I will try to improve that!
11SecondClub October - Curves from Mathias Aubry on Vimeo.
Blocking Pass 02 - 11SecondClub - October
I changed some poses following pieces of advice that some posted on the forums (11secondClub forum and 3dStation) And I think it's better now... still need some work!
11SecondClub October blocking pass 02 from Mathias Aubry on Vimeo
11SecondClub October blocking pass 02 from Mathias Aubry on Vimeo
Blocking Pass 01 - 11SecondClub - October
here is my blocking pass for the October's contest.
I still need to work more on the lypsync and face emotion.
11SecondClub October blocking pass from Mathias Aubry on Vimeo.
I still need to work more on the lypsync and face emotion.
11SecondClub October blocking pass from Mathias Aubry on Vimeo.
I'm still alive!!!
More than a month without posting!!! So sorry, just really busy with some stuff! I'm also helping a friend with his website, a bit a flash scripting, which is a lot similar to maya! And also lately when I have a bit of spare time I started to animate a character for the competition of the 11 second Club For October. I'm still working on my blocking pass and hope that I will be able to post it soon!
So stay tunned!
So stay tunned!
Lucien is back but.... naked!!!
So I forced myself to work again on Lucien but I changed a bit the way I was going to do it.
As you can see on the following pic, his body changed completly. I thought it will be easier to start him kind of naked and then with time add clothes than the opposite. But asd you can see, he is not forgotten!

By the way, On CGtalk a guy just post an amazing video of his rigs... just amazing, even depressing! lol, he is so good!
here is the link of his Website. Victor Vinyals
As you can see on the following pic, his body changed completly. I thought it will be easier to start him kind of naked and then with time add clothes than the opposite. But asd you can see, he is not forgotten!

By the way, On CGtalk a guy just post an amazing video of his rigs... just amazing, even depressing! lol, he is so good!
here is the link of his Website. Victor Vinyals
Animation Jump. Balls with different Weight
The animation of the day,
the first ball with texture... why is it important for the animation?
Well, by adding a texture on the ball, I had also to animate the rotation. there was no rotation of the ball with the preceding animations but because there was no detail on the ball, your couldn't see that, your brain thought it was rotating but now with the texture, I have to do it manually, Can't let your brain go it anymore... gosh!!!
Also you will see that the second ball has an other weight and you can feel it by its bounces and how it reacts to the environement... It's just animation! I'm crazy about this effects!
Here is the same animation without the rotation!
the first ball with texture... why is it important for the animation?
Well, by adding a texture on the ball, I had also to animate the rotation. there was no rotation of the ball with the preceding animations but because there was no detail on the ball, your couldn't see that, your brain thought it was rotating but now with the texture, I have to do it manually, Can't let your brain go it anymore... gosh!!!
Also you will see that the second ball has an other weight and you can feel it by its bounces and how it reacts to the environement... It's just animation! I'm crazy about this effects!
Here is the same animation without the rotation!
Animation Jump ball 02
So here I am back to the jump.
This one is faster which works much better!
I'm starting to be a bit bored/annoyed with bouncing ball but I will force myself to still work on that to really feel good about it!
I will add a second ball with a bigger weight. After that I will work on animating ball with character (Living Ball). And also I need to go back on Lucien! I need more than 24 hours!
Without Wall
With the Wall
This one is faster which works much better!
I'm starting to be a bit bored/annoyed with bouncing ball but I will force myself to still work on that to really feel good about it!
I will add a second ball with a bigger weight. After that I will work on animating ball with character (Living Ball). And also I need to go back on Lucien! I need more than 24 hours!
Without Wall
With the Wall
Weight in Animation
Here is another exercise with simple objects.
What I love in this exercise is that it really shows that the animation is giving so much information to the eyes. For exemple, this 2 videos have exactly the same component and the same animation until frame 18 but after that frame the animation is completly different giving different weights to the different objects!
What I love in this exercise is that it really shows that the animation is giving so much information to the eyes. For exemple, this 2 videos have exactly the same component and the same animation until frame 18 but after that frame the animation is completly different giving different weights to the different objects!
Bouncing Ball 02
Here is a new try with the bouncing ball. For now I definitly prefer that one!
This is a ball without any character, just try to look kind of realistic.
This is a ball without any character, just try to look kind of realistic.
Bouncing Ball
So to start again this new season I will work again on the bouncing ball. I notice that there is a lot of thing off in this animation, I opened it again but I was not able to solve it so I did some search. I hope this will help me!
On this website I find a chart that show the bounciness of different type of ball.

Also on this next link you can find a lot of really good video slow motion.
Tennis Ball raquet bounce
Tennis Ball shot
Newton's amplifier
Newton's amplifier explenation
I will start again soon to work on Lucien, just need the energy, courage and time, LOL!
On this website I find a chart that show the bounciness of different type of ball.

Also on this next link you can find a lot of really good video slow motion.
Tennis Ball raquet bounce
Tennis Ball shot
Newton's amplifier
Newton's amplifier explenation
I will start again soon to work on Lucien, just need the energy, courage and time, LOL!
The return!
Every good things come to an end so here we are back in Montreal after some amazing moment spent in France. If you never went in the Provence and you have a possibility to do so, don't miss it, for me it's the most beautiful place in the world that I have seen so far!
But now I will focus on the new season, and go back to work onLucien and other animations.
But now I will focus on the new season, and go back to work onLucien and other animations.
3 Weeks vacations!!! wouhouuuuu!!!
I'm gonna go in France, visiting my family and showing Kaleigh, my wife how beautiful the south of France is. So I won't be posting during that time, but I will be ready and relaxed for September!
I'm gonna go in France, visiting my family and showing Kaleigh, my wife how beautiful the south of France is. So I won't be posting during that time, but I will be ready and relaxed for September!
Animation Bouncing ball 01
a little break from Lucien. A first pass of an animation of a ball, I'm not quite satisfied with the last small bounces and I need also to add some squash and stretch... but it's a beginning!
Animation Ball Bounce from Mathias Aubry and Vimeo.
Animation Ball Bounce from Mathias Aubry and Vimeo.
LUCIEN body 02
So I will put in the first version (I'm not sure if I will have the courage to do more version!) two haircuts, and the mustache, there will alse be the possibility to hide them, so here a little animated gif to show the different possibility and how it change the character!

Babiroussa told me that it would be better to make him a little bit bigger around the hips, so here it is and I think it looks good!

Babiroussa told me that it would be better to make him a little bit bigger around the hips, so here it is and I think it looks good!

LUCIEN Body 01
LUCIEN First Dialogue
Not a preview anymore! I smoothed the moves a bit more and improve the end which is the most difficult part, especially with just the head. Sorry for the sound at the end, and I was not able to fix it with the softwares I use.
Hope you enjoy!
Here some preview!
The manipulators in action!
Lucien First Dialogue - Manipulator from Mathias Aubry and Vimeo.
The Manipulator and the mesh smoothed!
Lucien First Dialogue - Playblast from Mathias Aubry and Vimeo.
What is usually hidden when I'm animating! a big mess!
Lucien First Dialogue - setup from Mathias Aubry and Vimeo.
Hope you enjoy!
Here some preview!
The manipulators in action!
Lucien First Dialogue - Manipulator from Mathias Aubry and Vimeo.
The Manipulator and the mesh smoothed!
Lucien First Dialogue - Playblast from Mathias Aubry and Vimeo.
What is usually hidden when I'm animating! a big mess!
Lucien First Dialogue - setup from Mathias Aubry and Vimeo.
LUCIEN First Dialogue (preview)
there is a long time I didn't post, almost a month! I was busy with a lot's of thing and also I was working on Lucien to fix small things and on this animation that took a really long time. It's not finished yet that's why I will post it only on the blog. I need to work on the end and to smooth it a bit after.
the dialogue is taken form a hilarious french movie that I recommend if you didn't see it. Le diner de cons.
So here it is!
the dialogue is taken form a hilarious french movie that I recommend if you didn't see it. Le diner de cons.
So here it is!
LUCIEN rigging 13 Rigging Mouth
Ok, so Just a post to show that this project is still in progress!
I had to review the mouth again, there was some shape that I didn't like, so I changed the position of some joints, duplicate and simplified the nurb patch mouth to have a better control on the joint inBetween. Then I had to reskin everything. I also added a joint close to the corner of the mouth to have some relax in that area.

And here a screen of the paint skin weight tools! Scary!
I had to review the mouth again, there was some shape that I didn't like, so I changed the position of some joints, duplicate and simplified the nurb patch mouth to have a better control on the joint inBetween. Then I had to reskin everything. I also added a joint close to the corner of the mouth to have some relax in that area.

And here a screen of the paint skin weight tools! Scary!

LUCIEN rigging 12 Rigging Control
LUCIEN rigging 11 Rigging Eyebrow
It's not done yet but I'm working on the Eyebrow.
Again a setup without blendshape... Do I hate blendshape? mmmh I think they are heavy (a complete other mesh) and used too often. But I start to think that I'm trying to avoid them to much... well for now it's working. Maybe at the end I will add some of them.
So about the system, joint moving on a surface with locator and nodes PointOnSurfaceInfo. I love that Node! lol

Again a setup without blendshape... Do I hate blendshape? mmmh I think they are heavy (a complete other mesh) and used too often. But I start to think that I'm trying to avoid them to much... well for now it's working. Maybe at the end I will add some of them.
So about the system, joint moving on a surface with locator and nodes PointOnSurfaceInfo. I love that Node! lol

LUCIEN rigging 10 Rigging Mouth
It's done, I change the location of the mouthNurb patch to be at the base of the joint instead of the end of them. It works much better. Also I added some joints that follow the action but do not rotate and that really usefull for inside and around the mouth.
Here is the video test.
It's really close to what I was looking for!
Here is the video test.
It's really close to what I was looking for!
LUCIEN Rigging 09 Rigging Mouth
LUCIEN Rigging 08 Rigging Eyes
Here is the first test for the rigging of the Eyelid.
Used of 16 joints by Eyes.
I'm for know satisfied by the results and the possibility of this methode.
Methode that Keith Lango explain in a tutorial in his blog.
It was a bit challenging to do a mirroir skin Weight in Maya 8.5 but by Using the labels of the joints it work really properly. So by being careful and organized while creating the joints, We can gain time latter.
Next step the mouth.
Used of 16 joints by Eyes.
I'm for know satisfied by the results and the possibility of this methode.
Methode that Keith Lango explain in a tutorial in his blog.
It was a bit challenging to do a mirroir skin Weight in Maya 8.5 but by Using the labels of the joints it work really properly. So by being careful and organized while creating the joints, We can gain time latter.
Next step the mouth.
LUCIEN Rigging 07 Modeling
A little test to cut my mesh to have enough vertex aroud the eyebrow to give him a upset look.
Next step will be the mouth I think, which I'm a bit worry... Go Math, Go! You can do it! (yes I try to encourage myself! LOL no, I'm not crazy!!!)

And also I've done the teeth.
I tried to find a balance between not to simple but still toon.
Next step will be the mouth I think, which I'm a bit worry... Go Math, Go! You can do it! (yes I try to encourage myself! LOL no, I'm not crazy!!!)

And also I've done the teeth.
I tried to find a balance between not to simple but still toon.

LUCIEN Rigging 06 Modeling
After several comments, I picked the version number 2.
Now I'm working on the throat. I made a rough skin on the tongue and the face to open the mouth just to see how it will look like!
Here is the picture!

Also, To show Why I want a face more adult but kind of neutral here is a little slideshow to show that by adding just few more details it can change it really quicly... well I'm not sure about the girl but will see...
Now I'm working on the throat. I made a rough skin on the tongue and the face to open the mouth just to see how it will look like!
Here is the picture!

Also, To show Why I want a face more adult but kind of neutral here is a little slideshow to show that by adding just few more details it can change it really quicly... well I'm not sure about the girl but will see...

LUCIEN Rigging 05 Modeling
LUCIEN Rigging 04 Modeling
LUCIEN Rigging 03 Modeling
LUCIEN Rigging 02 Modeling
Here is a new update!
I made the ears, which by the way I think is the more difficult and frustrating thing to do in 3D. But for this one I'm kind of glad to see how it looks like!
I'm just a bit afraid that he looks like Dopey... Are the ears to big??
I made the ears, which by the way I think is the more difficult and frustrating thing to do in 3D. But for this one I'm kind of glad to see how it looks like!
I'm just a bit afraid that he looks like Dopey... Are the ears to big??

Anyway, as you can see I need to cover some holes in the back of his head, then I will clean the mesh and I will post it on some forums.

LUCIEN Rigging 01 Modeling
Challenge #7 CGtalk - 06
Sadly I wasn't able to finish it! But that's ok, I learned a lot about key so next time I'm sure I will do better. (when I went from the blocking pass to the spline it was kind of awfull! lol, a newby mistake!)
So what did I learn?
-Spending more time on preparation! drawing and thinking of important position but also thinking of overlapping moves. ( Keith lango Tutorials).
-Switching between stepped tangent and linear tangent more often and from the begining.
-Using some maya script to copy and paste keys, curve and movement.
So what did I learn?
-Spending more time on preparation! drawing and thinking of important position but also thinking of overlapping moves. ( Keith lango Tutorials).
-Switching between stepped tangent and linear tangent more often and from the begining.
-Using some maya script to copy and paste keys, curve and movement.
Challenge #7 CGtalk - 04
here a new update that change a lot, still a blocking pass... I hope one day I will be able to use the curve LOL. Anyway, so, I did the start again because I had lot's of comment saying that its dancing's step were weird and... I think I agree, I also look at some video and a bullet doesn't have the power to push you that much, so I tried something else.
Feel free to Comment or Critic.
Feel free to Comment or Critic.
Challenge #7 CGtalk - 03
Still a rough blocking but I added more to make it more cartoon and less serious.
C&C if you feel like it.
C&C if you feel like it.
Challenge #7 CGtalk - 01
First rough blocking
An animation of a guy who is being shot...
I hope I would be able to add stuff before and after but first I want to focus on this action to be able to post something not to bad at the end of the challenge.
Here is a start, a rought blocking step.
At the end, the render shold look like that

C&C are welcome
An animation of a guy who is being shot...
I hope I would be able to add stuff before and after but first I want to focus on this action to be able to post something not to bad at the end of the challenge.
Here is a start, a rought blocking step.
At the end, the render shold look like that

C&C are welcome
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